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Losing your job before the holidays can seem like one of the worst things that can happen to you. Take heart, there are things you can do to change your mindset so that you can deal with your loss, enjoy the holiday season, and move forward with confidence and hope.
Take advantage of the January rush and you’ll be closer at making this year a break-out career one.
achieve happiness & success
discover & land your dream job
find JOY & MEANING LIVING your life purpose
manage stress and anxiety
get the relationship you want
If the thought of being vulnerable scares you, you’re not alone. But if you let fear rule you, you’ll never experience all that life has to offer to you. Instead, you can learn to put yourself out there, try little ways to show vulnerability every day, and reap the unexpected rewards.
When you’re forced to be apart from loved ones during quarantine and physical distancing orders, it’s tough to keep up communication and ensure your relationships are thriving. Here are 5 ways to connect and show how much you care.
If you’ve run into a dating rut with your significant other, the key to getting out of it might just be understanding their personality type. Find your partner’s Myers-Briggs type in this guide and treat them to a date they’ll love.
If you’re recovering from a nasty breakup, you might not want to think about dating again. But, follow these steps, like dating yourself first, and you’ll be closer to healing your pain and moving on, ready for new love.
Take a breather from the holiday fuss and consider what you really want this year. Then, set some boundaries so you can be sure it make it your happiest holiday season yet!
Parenting today isn’t easy. It’s as important as ever to raise kind kids. You can do this by first being kind to yourself, then raising kind kids with these 4 other steps.
A lifelong friendship is one of the most important relationships you’ll have in your life.
Are you a planner at heart? You might have a preference for judging according to your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Learn how to better understand and appreciate your type.
Do opposites really attract? Explore why this might be the case, and what to do to prevent your differences from getting between you.
Old-fashioned habits hold up well in today’s turbulent world and are even backed by research. By cultivating these skills, you may be able to transform your days — and your years — into happier ones.